InHeartbeatbyEvren OzkipBuilding a Text Classifier App with Hugging Face, BERT, and CometImplementing end-to-end deep learning projects has never been easier with these awesome toolsSep 12, 20232Sep 12, 20232
InLevel Up CodingbyEvren OzkipKickstart Your NLP Career with This Easy-to-Follow RoadmapLearn NLP and build your own ChatGPTAug 3, 20232Aug 3, 20232
InHeartbeatbyEvren OzkipSimplifying the Image Classification Workflow with Lightning & Comet MLA guide to performing end-to-end computer vision projects with PyTorch-Lightning, Comet ML and GradioJun 26, 2023Jun 26, 2023
InTowards AIbyEvren OzkipHow to Save and Load Deep Learning Models with Keras?Learn how to use ModelCheckpoint callbackApr 17, 2023Apr 17, 2023
InGeek CulturebyEvren OzkipA Quick Overview of TensorFlow Basics in 10 MinutesA guide to learning the basics of TensorFlow for deep learningMay 28, 20231May 28, 20231
InArtificial Intelligence in Plain EnglishbyEvren OzkipImproving Deep Learning Models Performancewith normalization and standardizationApr 11, 20231Apr 11, 20231
InLevel Up CodingbyEvren OzkipModel Subclassing with KerasHow to build flexible deep learning models with the Keras Subclassing API?Mar 29, 2023Mar 29, 2023
InHeartbeatbyEvren OzkipEnd-to-End Deep Learning Project with PyTorch & Comet MLA complete guide to building a deep learning project with PyTorch, tracking an Experiment with Comet ML, and deploying an app with Gradio…Mar 28, 20231Mar 28, 20231
InGeek CulturebyEvren OzkipDeep Learning Roadmap with PythonA guide to getting started with deep learning using the Python ecosystemMar 17, 202311Mar 17, 202311
InLevel Up CodingbyEvren OzkipHow to Use the Keras Functional API?A practical guide on the Keras Functional API for building complex deep learning modelsMar 8, 20231Mar 8, 20231
Evren OzkipArtificial Neural Networks in Machine LearningHow does the Artificial Neural Network algorithm work?Feb 25, 2023Feb 25, 2023
InHeartbeatbyEvren Ozkip7 Steps for A Successful Deep Learning ProjectA guide on how to develop effective deep learning projects.Jul 11, 20222Jul 11, 20222
InTowards AIbyEvren OzkipTwitter Sentiment Analysis: FIFA World Cup 2022A Practical Guide to Sentiment Analysis with Snscrape and Hugging FaceDec 12, 20222Dec 12, 20222
InTowards AIbyEvren Ozkip6 Best Programming Languages for AIYou should know at least one of these programming languages if you want to build a career in AI.Jun 18, 20221Jun 18, 20221
InGeek CulturebyEvren OzkipIntroduction to PyTorch for Deep LearningImage classification with PyTorch using transfer learning.Mar 7, 20221Mar 7, 20221
InLevel Up CodingbyEvren Ozkip7 Differences Between Deep Learning and Machine LearningDeep Learning vs. Machine Learning — What’s the Difference?Oct 22, 2021Oct 22, 2021
Evren OzkipA Beginner’s Guide to Data Pipelines with TensorflowHow to build a data pipeline for text, image, and numpy array datasets using Tensorflow?Aug 27, 20211Aug 27, 20211
InCodeXbyEvren OzkipSentiment Analysis with Transfer LearningA simple guide on how to use transfer learning using the IMDB dataset.Jun 17, 2021Jun 17, 2021
Evren OzkipImage Classification with TensorFlow 2Classifying images with deep learning using TensorFlow and Keras API | Introduction to computer visionApr 16, 2021Apr 16, 2021
InLevel Up CodingbyEvren OzkipIntroduction to Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2Machine learning and deep learning with TensorFlow and KerasApr 15, 2021Apr 15, 2021