InTowards AIbyEvren OzkipBuilding A Multilingual NER App with HuggingFaceA step-by-step guide on how to implement an end-to-end NLP project.Mar 31, 2024Mar 31, 2024
Evren OzkipThe Hugging Face EcosystemA practical guide to getting started with Hugging FaceFeb 9, 2023Feb 9, 2023
InTowards AIbyEvren OzkipHow to Use Hugging Face Pipelines?A practical guide on how to perform NLP tasks with Hugging Face PipelinesFeb 11, 20234Feb 11, 20234
InHeartbeatbyEvren OzkipBuilding a Text Classifier App with Hugging Face, BERT, and CometImplementing end-to-end deep learning projects has never been easier with these awesome toolsSep 12, 20232Sep 12, 20232